Hi! I’m Michelle Naples.
Motivational + Mindfulness Life Coach. I am certified in Mindfulness, I am an educator, a yoga instructor, a wife, and a proud new mom. Ever since I can remember, I’ve always had the natural gift and ability with talking to people on a deeper level. It is intrinsically motivating and rewarding when clients are able to get to the root cause of what is preventing them from moving forward and into the life that they imagine for themselves.
Personally, I have gone through many challenges and obstacles throughout my lifetime and realize that life will always present new challenges. I have gone through depression and anxiety and was lost and confused as to which direction that I wanted to take in my life. To get back on track again, I had to get vulnerable, have uncomfortable conversations, and be willing to do the inner and outer work.
Trying to replace negative habits with more positive habits by listening and reading uplifting and motivating influencers and coaches, taking self-development classes, and incorporating Mindfulness, yoga, and meditation in my everyday life (even if it is for less than 5 minutes). Most importantly, doing more things that make me happy and having a strong support system and community. I am truly grateful for my family, faith, Life Coach, and friends. One cannot do everything on their own. We all need one another for support.
In order to find clarity, I believe that having a coach that you can truly connect with is the key in helping to shift a negative mindset into a positive mindset. That’s where I come in. It’s time to get incredibly honest with your wants and needs and to learn how you can follow your intuition and to be able to take realistic and actionable steps towards your goals. I will be with you the entire way cheering you on!
You absolutely have the power and everything within to design the life that you want to create for yourself. For more information, you can contact me at [email protected].
Your Motivational + Mindfulness Life Coach,